Geology understands how landforms were created, have changed over time, and how they will evolve. Learn more about the geologic history of Earth and more.

Erosion, Weathering, and Soils
8 Soil Structure Types
Soil is not just a single shape. Instead, it’s a mix of different shapes and soil structure. Let’s go on a journey into the ground beneath us.
Inside Earth
Inside Earth: The Crust, Mantle and Core
All planets have layers. Inside Earth, we have a crust, core and mantle. Imagine a team of drillers who set out to drill a hole to the other side of Earth.
Land Surface
5 Sources of Alternative Energy
The world is rapidly transitioning towards a clean energy future. We can switch to alternative sources of energy to fuel our cars and homes.
Milestone Events
5 Steps of Fossilization
Fossilization is a process that turns once-living organisms into stone-like fossils. Today, we’ll look into the steps of fossilization.
Rocks and Minerals
How Was the Grand Canyon Formed?
Like a stack of pancakes, younger rock layers pile on top of older layers. We use the law of superposition to reveal Earth’s age and Grand Canyon geology.
Plate Tectonics
7 Major Tectonic Plates: The World’s Largest Plate Tectonics
From large to small, the 7 major tectonic plates include the Pacific, North American, Eurasian, African, Antarctic, Indo-Australian and South American plate.
Geologic Timeline
Snowball Earth – Our Planet’s Icy History
Earth went through a dramatic freeze, known as “Snowball Earth”. Picture Earth, not as a blue and green globe, but as a white, icy snowball.
6 Types of Volcano Eruptions
From the explosive power of Plinian eruptions to the calm flow of Icelandic eruptions, we explore six eruption types from volcanoes.