Outer Space

Types of Forces

10 Types of Forces

A force can make things move, stop, or change direction. For example, types of forces include gravity, friction, and magnetism.

Types of Natural Disasters

10 Types of Natural Disasters

A natural disaster is a sudden and extreme event caused by nature that can cause damage and harm people. Learn the types of natural disasters.

Spheres of Earth

The 17 Spheres of Earth

How many spheres of Earth exist on Earth? If you count them all, you would get about 17 of them. This is the definitive guide to all 17 spheres of Earth.

What Color Is the Moon

What Color Is the Moon?

The color of the moon is mostly grey. And the lunar maria are dark grey. The 4 most dominant rocks are: mare basalts, breccia, anorthosite and regolith.

Mars Atmosphere Composition

Mars Atmosphere Compared to Earth

Carbon dioxide dominates Mars atmosphere. But Earth is rich in nitrogen and oxygen. Mars has a much thinner atmosphere. In fact, Earth is 100x denser.

How Big Is the Moon

How Big Is the Moon?

How big is the moon? It’s about 1/4 (27%) the size in diameter of Earth. Alternatively, you can think of the moon being about as wide as the United States.