Outer Space
Discover celestial objects and phenomena beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Learn about our solar systems or the stars and galaxies far away.

The Earth
10 Types of Forces
A force can make things move, stop, or change direction. For example, types of forces include gravity, friction, and magnetism.
The Moon
What Color Is the Moon?
The color of the moon is mostly grey. And the lunar maria are dark grey. The 4 most dominant rocks are: mare basalts, breccia, anorthosite and regolith.
Solar System
A Visual Guide to Our Solar System [Infographic]
Our solar system is a 4.57 billion years old planetary system that includes a central star and all the natural space objects (planets) orbiting the Sun.
Stars, Galaxies, and Universe
Earth’s Doppelgängers: A List of Earth Like Planets
Today, you’re going to disover a whole list of Earth like planets. Like Kepler 62, Gliese-581c and Proxima Centauri b. These are Earth’s Doppelgängers.
The Sun
Solar Radiation: How Sunlight Heats the Planet
Our sun is 99% of the total mass of the solar system. It’s this energy from the sun’s thermonuclear reactions that heats the Earth from solar radiation.