
How Do Glaciers Form?

How Do Glaciers Form?

Like a rake scraping the dirt, glaciers leave a lasting impression on the land. They can erode mountains, transport vast amount of rock and reshape the land.

Coal Formation: How Coal Forms

Coal Formation: How Coal Forms

Hydrocarbons, oil and coal formation in general are made from living organisms that have been compacted from intense heat and pressure millions of years ago.

Fossil Records: A Journey into the Past

Fossil Records: A Journey into the Past

When you unveil a fossil, it’s like rewinding into the past. Fossils are preserved remains from past living things such as bones, shells or exoskeletons.

What is Isostatic Rebound?

What is Isostatic Rebound?

During the last ice age, ice pushed down on continents with immense pressure. After the ice melted, land began slowly lifting which is isostatic rebound.