
How Does the Supercontinent Cycle Work?

How Does the Supercontinent Cycle Work?

If you went 200 million years back in time, Earth was 1 supercontinent. Now, it’s made up of 7 separate continents. This is the supercontinent cycle at work.

How Do Glaciers Form?

How Do Glaciers Form?

Like a rake scraping the dirt, glaciers leave a lasting impression on the land. They can erode mountains, transport vast amount of rock and reshape the land.

Coal Formation: How Coal Forms

Coal Formation: How Coal Forms

Hydrocarbons, oil and coal formation in general are made from living organisms that have been compacted from intense heat and pressure millions of years ago.

Fossil Records: A Journey into the Past

Fossil Records: A Journey into the Past

When you unveil a fossil, it’s like rewinding into the past. Fossils are preserved remains from past living things such as bones, shells or exoskeletons.