Outer Space

9 Facts About the Moon

9 Facts About the Moon

Earth’s moon was formed at the same time that Earth did. Interesting moon facts include its gravity is 1/6 of Earth and temperature range of -173°C to 127°C

How Did the Moon Form?

How Did the Moon Form?

The giant impact hypothesis models the formation of our moon. It starts with a Mars-sized object hitting Earth. This object (moon) still remains in orbit.

5 Facts About the Sun [Infographic]

5 Facts About the Sun [Infographic]

Today, we’re exploring facts about the sun. First, you have to realize the enormous size of the sun. It’s so big that nearly 1300 Jupiters can fit the sun!

What Are the 3 Types of Galaxies?

What Are the 3 Types of Galaxies?

Hubble galaxy classification assigns a class to galaxies based on their visual appearance. These classes of galaxies are ellipticals, lenticulars and spirals

Earth Age: How Old Is the Earth?

Earth Age: How Old Is the Earth?

By dating meteorites, we find the oldest rocks are 4.5 billion or so years old. Thus, we conclude the same staggering 4,543,000,000 years for Earth’s age.

Sun Fusion: How the Sun Heats Up Earth

Sun Fusion: How the Sun Heats Up Earth

Fusion reactions power the sun. By fusing hydrogen to helium, the sun releases vast amounts of energy towards Earth. Then, sun fusion reaction heats Earth.

Earth Tilt: 23.5 Degrees Axis

Earth Tilt: 23.5 Degrees Axis

Imagine sticking a pencil into the Earth’s poles and twisting your wrist 23.5°. This is the Earth tilt essential in seasonal patterns, climate and life on Earth.