Calendar Days for the Environment

Mark your calendars. These days remind us to take care of our planet. We can plant trees, cut down on waste, and learn about nature. Let’s look at some important dates where we can all help our planet.
National Bird Day (January 5)
Did you know there are over 10,000 bird species worldwide? National Bird Day celebrates our feather-tailed friends on January 5th each year. It aims to raise awareness about the beauty of birds and their conservation needs.
World Wetlands Day (February 2)
World Wetlands Day is celebrated on February 2nd. It reminds us of the importance of wetlands because they help prevent floods and clean water. Plus, we can learn about some of the biodiversity these environments support for birds, amphibians, reptiles, etc.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February 11)
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science falls on February 11th. This day highlights the need for more women and girls in science fields, since diversity fuels innovation. Plus, it’s a call to action to break down barriers they often face.
Solar Appreciation Day (Second Friday of March)
Solar Appreciation Day is on the second Friday of March. It celebrates the power of the sun, because it’s a clean energy source. Plus, it reminds us to use more solar energy to protect our planet.
Global Recycling Day (March 18)
Global Recycling Day on March 18th encourages everyone to recycle more. It shows how the 3 R’s (reduce, reuse and recycle) help save resources, energy, and the planet. It treats recyclables as valuable materials, aiming to reduce waste and pollution.
International Day of Forests (March 21)
The International Day of Forests is celebrated on March 21st. It focuses on the role forests play in supporting life on Earth. It includes their contributions to oxygen production, climate regulation, and providing homes for wildlife.
World Planting Day (March 21)
World Planting Day encourages us to plant trees and plants. It doesn’t have a fixed date, but it’s a reminder that planting helps the environment. Plus, trees give us clean air and fight climate change.
World Water Day (March 22)
World Water Day is observed on March 22nd each year. This environmental day focuses on issues such as the need for access to safe water and the conservation of water bodies in human health, agriculture, and energy production.
World Meteorological Day (March 23)
World Meteorological Day is celebrated annually on March 23. It commemorates the establishment of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1950. The day aims to highlight the importance of meteorology in understanding weather patterns and the sustainability of our planet.
International Day of Zero Waste (March 30)
International Day of Zero Waste falls on March 30th. It pushes us to cut down on waste, showing how this effort benefits the Earth. Additionally, the day emphasizes the importance of recycling and reusing to safeguard our environment.
Earth Day (April 22)
Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd. It focuses on protecting our planet’s natural resources, underlining the urgency of environmental conservation. Plus, the day inspires actions like planting trees and reducing the sources of pollution to create a healthier Earth for future generations.
Arbor Day (April 26)
When a tree falls in the forest, Arbor Day hears it. Arbor Day is observed on April 26th. People plant trees on this day because trees are vital for the environment. Trees clean the air and provide homes for wildlife.
World Migratory Bird Day (Second Saturday of May)
World Migratory Bird Day falls on the second Saturday of May. It celebrates migratory birds and their journeys, highlighting the need for conservation because these birds face many challenges. Efforts on this day aim to protect their habitats across the globe.
World Biodiversity Day (May 22)
World Biodiversity Day is on May 22nd. It shows how important all living things are for keeping ecosystems balanced. Ecosystems rely on biodiversity for resiliency. Protecting diversity matters because it helps our planet stay healthy.
World Turtle Day (May 23)
World Turtle Day is celebrated on May 23rd. It’s a day to learn about and help tortoises. When we start thinking about turtle conservation, we’ll realize they’re a key part of nature.
World Reef Day (June 1)
On the first day of June, we celebrate World Reef Day. This day raises awareness about coral reefs and their protection. Healthy reefs are vital for marine life and coastal communities. That’s why this day exists.
World Environment Day (June 5)
World Environment Day is on June 5th, which was started by the United Nations. It encourages action to protect our environment. Making positive changes to improve land restoration, desertification and drought resilience is key to our planet’s future.
World Ocean Day (June 8)
World Ocean Day is on June 8th and the main topic is oceanography. It’s about keeping the oceans safe because they make up more than 70% of Earth. We need to protect the sea for the future as it regulates climate and is a major source of food.
Global Wind Day (June 15)
Global Wind Day is on June 15th. It celebrates wind energy and its benefits as an energy source. By pushing for more wind energy, we’re helping to cut down on pollution and promoting a happier Earth.
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (June 17)
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, marked on June 17th, focuses on preventing land degradation. One-third of the Earth’s land surface is threatened by desertification. That’s why this day encourages sustainable land management to protect our planet.
World Rainforest Day (June 22)
They say that rainforests are like the “lungs of the world”. This is because they help Earth’s climate and air quality. On June 22nd, we celebrate World Rainforest Day, also highlighting the importance of rainforests in supporting diverse life forms.
World Population Day (July 11)
World Population Day on July 11th focuses on the challenges and opportunities of our growing population, which has surpassed 7.8 billion. It highlights the importance of sustainable practices to support a healthy and balanced future for everyone.
International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystems (July 26)
International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem is on July 26th. It celebrates mangroves, which protect coastlines and support marine life. Mangroves also store a lot of carbon, helping to fight climate change.
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer (September 16)
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is on September 16th. It marks the efforts to protect the ozone layer, which shields the Earth from harmful UV rays. This day commemorates the signing of the Montreal Protocol, aimed at reducing ozone-depleting substances.
World Cleanup Day (September)
World Cleanup Day takes place in September. It’s a global effort to tackle waste and clean up the planet. Millions of people join in to pick up trash, showing how collective action can make a big difference.
Zero Emissions Day (September 21)
Zero Emissions Day on September 21st encourages reducing our carbon footprint. It’s a day to avoid using fossil fuels, highlighting the importance of clean energy. The goal is to give our planet a day off from pollution with zero emissions.
Car Free Day (September 22)
Car Free Day is celebrated on September 22nd. It promotes using public transport, biking, and walking instead of cars. This day aims to reduce pollution and encourage a healthier lifestyle. It’s also a great chance to get some exercise.
International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (September 29)
The International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste falls on September 29th. This environmental day deals with the issue of food waste and its impact on hunger, climate change, and natural resources. The day encourages actions to reduce food waste and improve food security.
World Rivers Day (Fourth Sunday of September)
World Rivers Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of September. It emphasizes the importance of rivers and aims to increase awareness of water conservation. We also try to clean up and preserve rivers for future generations.
World Habitat Day (First Monday of October)
World Habitat Day is on the first Monday of October. It focuses on the need for safe and adequate shelter for everyone. This day is also about recognizing our towns and cities as inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
World Animal Day (October 4)
World Animal Day celebrates animals and raises awareness about their welfare. This day calls for better treatment and protection of all animals around the world. So on October 4th, make a global shout-out to all creatures big and small.
Energy Efficiency Day (October 5)
Turn the lights off because Energy Efficiency Day is on October 5th. This day promotes using less energy and finding smarter ways to meet our needs. Another advantage is that energy efficiency can lower bills and help the environment.
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (October 13)
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction is on October 13th. From flooding to hurricanes, this environmental day focuses on reducing the types of disasters worldwide. You should think about planning and action to protect people and communities from natural hazards.
World Food Day (October 16)
World Food Day is on October 16th. It celebrates the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) including food security and nutritious diets for all. This day calls for global cooperation to combat hunger and ensure access to healthy food for everyone.
National Reptile Awareness Day (October 21)
National Reptile Awareness Day is celebrated on October 21st. It promotes education about reptiles and their conservation. The focus of this day is on reptile ecosystems and protecting these diverse creatures.
International Day of Climate Action (October 24)
The International Day of Climate Action mobilizes people globally to combat climate change. This observance is a call to action for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also coincides with the United Nations’ efforts to address climate change for future generations.
World Ecology Day (November 1)
World Ecology Day is on November 1st. It’s about learning how everything in nature works together and keeping it healthy. This day encourages us to take care of our planet similar to what ecologists do. It reminds us that our health depends on the health of the world around us.
National STEM Day (November 8)
National STEM Day is on November 8th. It celebrates science, technology, engineering, and math education. This day encourages students to explore and pursue interests and careers in these important fields.
America Recycles Day (November 15)
America Recycles Day is on November 15th. It promotes recycling and encourages people to buy recycled products. This day aims to raise awareness about the benefits of recycling for the environment and economy.
World Fisheries Day (November 21)
World Fisheries Day is on November 21st. This day puts the spotlight on healthy ocean ecosystems and sustainable fish stocks. We also mark this day to protect aquatic habitats and ensure the livelihoods of communities that depend on fishing.
Wildlife Conservation Day (December 4)
Protect wildlife on December 4th. Wildlife Conservation Day raises awareness about the need to protect endangered animals and their habitats. This day promotes actions to combat wildlife trafficking and conservation efforts worldwide.
World Soil Day (December 5)
World Soil Day shines a spotlight on keeping healthy soil for better food security. This day serves as a call to action for sustaining healthy ecosystems and human communities by promoting the management of soil resources. The focus is on soil degradation and improving soil health.