
Facts About Volcanoes

10 Little-Known Facts About Volcanoes

Ready to learn about volcanoes? From lightning that sparks at a volcano to its deadly hazards, we’re going to dive into 10 little-known facts about volcanoes


Lahar: Flowing Mud at Volcanoes

“Lahar” is an Indonesian word for mudflow at volcanoes. Lahar flows down volcanoes as a mix of mostly water, mud and rock debris (similar to wet concrete).

Moon Gravity Facts

Moon Gravity: Your Weight on the Moon

The gravity of the moon is 1/6 of Earth. If you stepped on a scale on the moon, you could subtract 83.5%. So 100 kg in weight would be 16.5 kg on the moon.

domains of life

What Are the 3 Domains of Life?

We categorize life into 3 domains of life: eukarya, archaea and bacteria. Domains classify life in the most general way such as the presence of a nucleus.