How Does Eutrophication Work? Causes, Process and Examples
Eutrophication occurs in water bodies when too many nutrients are introduced. Over-fertilization of water causes algae to grow blocking sunlight for plants.
Eutrophication occurs in water bodies when too many nutrients are introduced. Over-fertilization of water causes algae to grow blocking sunlight for plants.
Streams carrying too much sediment clogs the entrance into the basin. As sediments dump in, water flow decelerates and widens the entrance forming a delta.
Magma is liquid rock with dissolved gas at the interior of Earth. When magma reaches the surface, it’s lava. The difference for lava vs magma is location.
Comets are balls of frozen gases mixed with pieces of rocks, water and ice. There are only a hundred or so named comets and a bit over 3500 known comets.
From largest to smallest, Earth’s atmosphere composition contains nitrogen, oxygen, argon, CO2 and trace gases. Water vapor is excluded from this total.
There are 4 primary layers of the atmosphere on Earth: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. The ionosphere and exosphere are above those.
At all times the sun illuminates half of the moon. Depending on your point of view, this is what causes the various phases of the moon.
The moon is approximately 238,855 miles (384,400 km) away from the Earth. It’s such a big gap that you can almost fit all the 7 other planets in between.
Earth’s geological time scale is almost unimaginable to us. This is because humans lifespans are so short in comparison (in hours, days, months and years).
As the Earth spins, the sun always shines on one side which gives it sunlight. When you’re facing the sun, it’s daytime. But when you’re not, it’s night.
In terms of space exploration, Mars has been the greatest frontier for discovery. From its red color to marsquakes, here are 15 remarkable facts about Mars.
Highlights of the mesosphere include: (1) Air is very thin (2) It’s the coldest region of the atmosphere close to -100°C and (3) It’s where meteors burn up.
Ocean currents are like giant conveyor belts moving huge amounts of water all the time. Wind, temperature and salt gradients all influences ocean currents.